Pre-Loved Authentic Hermes Designer Bags

Birkin Hermes bag
The Birkin Hermes bag is the most luxurious Handbag in the world.
The Birkin Hermes bag is one of the most coveted status symbols in the fashion world. Inspired by actress and singer Jane Birkin, the Birkin Hermes bag has dominated the luxury handbag market for decades. Prices for a new simple leather version of a Birkin Hermes bag begin around $9,000. A Hermes Birkin bag runs well into the hundreds of thousands for a Hermes Birkin bag with a more exotic skin. But nothing compares to the opulence of the Birkin Hermes bag designed by Japanese designer Ginza Tanaka.

The diamond encrusted Birkin Hermes bag is made of platinum and has over 2,000 diamonds on the Birkin Hermes bag. The diamond studded strap on the Birkin Hermes bag is removable and can be worn separately as a necklace or bracelet. The Birkin Hermes bag itself is set with an extraordinary 8 carat pear shaped diamond that can also be removed to be worn separately.

Bidding was fierce for the Birkin Hermes bag when it was sold in 2008. Eventually the Birkin Hermes bag sold for $1.9 million, making it the most expensive handbag in the world. Although, it is rumoured that Philippine celebrity Sharon Cuneta has a Birkin Hermes bag worth more than $3 million, there’s no publicly available record of the sale of her Birkin Hermes bag.

Birkin Hermes is one of the World’s Most Extravagant handbags. Sporting a Birkin Hermes you are not just having a bag with rare material, exquisite craftsmanship, and durable quality but with a Birkin Hermes more importantly, it makes a statement of your personal style and denotes social status. Birkin Hermes is truly the best of the best; Birkin Hermes is second to none. Not surprisingly, Birkin Hermes becomes a staple for fashion diva and celebrities and Birkin Hermes get them a lot of free advertising because Birkin Hermes is famous.

There is a prominent figure who is often spotted with her fabulous Hermes Birkin. She is Victoria Beckham, an international style icon, fashion designer and also the owner of about 100 Birkin Hermes bags. Victoria Beckham Hermes Birkin Bag Collection is worth over $2 Million. Birkin Hermes bags usually start around $7,500. However, the prices can sometimes reach six figures when the Birkin Hermes bag is made from more exotic materials. Victoria Beckham has been seen carrying the pink ostrich skin and black crocodile versions of Birkin Hermes. She also owns the Silver Himalayan style Birkin Hermes which comes with a three carat diamond and is worth an estimated $120,000. The way she wears Birkin Hermes bags has won plenty of admiration. Obviously, her talent can be taught. Here are some tips of how to choose and wear a Birkin Hermes bags to complement your outfit and represent your personal style.

First of all, select the correct material for your Birkin Hermes to suit different occasions. The quality of materials reflects the owner’s financial status and taste. Leather is always a wise choice for Birkin Hermes for it is classic and versatile; works with most outfits and goes with any situation. The most popular leather for Birkin Hermes is Togo, smooth textured calf leather. Taurillon Clemence which is made from baby bull is even softer and thicker than Togo. You can also choose buttery soft Chevre (goat skin) or smooth and sheen box. Birkin Hermes bags with exotic leathers such as alligator, crocodile and lizard are quite suitable for formal and grand occasions. If you want a casual and pretty look, you can try togo or ostrich Birkin Hermes with linen.

Secondly, choose the right sized Birkin Hermes to complement your figure. Remember, your Birkin Hermes bag should work with your size, not against it. If you are petite, go for 25cm or 30cm Birkin Hermes. If you are full-figured or tall, 35cm or 40cm Birkin Hermes would look best. Haut A Courries which is slightly taller with shorter straps is also called Birkin Hermes and very good for traveling use.

Thirdly, choose similar colored Birkin Hermes to match your outfit. There is an extensive range of colors for your Birkin Hermes bag. If you wear a lot of plain color clothes, Birkin Hermes classic colors such as black, orange, Blue Jean and dark gold are the best to match your outfit, or a two-tone colored Birkin Hermes would make you look cute and stylish. Greens, pink, fuchsia and Cyclamen are fresh in spring; Birkin Hermes rouge, red and orange looks gorgeous in autumn; blues, white and violet are popular in winter. Taupe, beige and grey Birkin Hermes are practical and can blend into more clothes.

Last but not least, always harmonize your Birkin Hermes with your outfit, shoes and accessories. If you have seen the photo of Victoria in fuchsia RM Moon dress with a stunning 35cm pink ostrich skin Birkin Hermes, you will get a better idea of what I mean. The pink Birkin Hermes bag and fuchsia dress match perfectly; the black sunglass has a similar shade with Balenciaga court shoes. Sometimes, your Birkin Hermes bag does not necessarily match your dress or shoes, but at least should blend into them. It is more sensible to make sure your Birkin Hermes bag and shoes are harmonious in style and mood. For example, if you wear sliver or white tone shoes, pair them with a Birkin Hermes bag with silver palladium hardware.

If you pay attention to what fits you and what does not, you will gradually cultivate your dress sense and fit into everything chosen by yourself. Birkin Hermes bag is a must have for any savvy lady who aspires to establish a perfect personal style. Reliable online stores are the best place to buy elegant Birkin Hermes bags. Be mindful that Fashion is general. Style is individual. Have a good knowledge of your style and learn how to dress properly, because the most beautiful woman is always true to her own style.

Birkin Hermes bag

If you are considering buying a Hermes Birkin bag for your girlfriend you should first ask a few questions because Hermes Birkin bags can come in all types of colors and skins as well as metallic hardware. Birkin bags can also come in various materials like leather, Togo crocodile skin.

You should also consider is your girlfriend tall or short? A petite woman should avoid very big Hermes Birkin bags as this will tend to make her look more petite than she already is. Birkin Hermes bags can also hide body imperfections so be sure to know which body parts you want understated before choosing a Birkin bag. If you want to avoid getting too much attention on your big hips then choose a Hermes shoulder bag. Also Hermes Birkin bags come in all sizes.

Of course your budget must be considered. Hermes Birkin bags are among the most expensive bags in the world. Put a ceiling or a price range for your target Birkin bag price range for so you will not be tempted into buying anything that costs more than your budget. Except if the price is already a bargain and it can be mixed and matched to several clothing wear. This characteristic will of course make the price of the Birkin bag more cost effective in the long term.

Also consider what your girlfriend will be using the Hermes Birkin bag for, is it to take to the office or for social occasions?
In which case you could look at the larger size Hermes bag that Hermes make which would hold your files and your laptop.
Is the Hermes bag to be used to carry essentials for the baby, Diapers baby’s bottle and such like things? Or will she wear it to go on a dinner date if so Birkin Hermes bag will give you a great choice of evening bags.

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